Friday, August 17, 2007

Why Are My Undies Always in a Bunch?

So I was doing laundry today and was annoyed by my perennial underwear issue. Every time I take my laundry out of the dryer to fold, all of my underwear is inside-out. Now, I don't fold my underwear--I'm not that anal. But, I do like to make them right-side out. So it annoys me to no end that I always have to turn them right-side out. I can never just take them out of the dryer and throw them in the laundry basket. Now, I don't turn my undies inside-out when I take them off, so I know that when they go in the washer they are right-side out. But their final laundered form is always inside-out. Does this mean that I should take them off inside-out? Will they then come out of the dryer right-side out? So what I want to know is:

1. When you take off your undies (or 'panty' as Koreans are wont to say) are they inside-out or not?
2. When you take your undies out of the dryer are they inside-out or not?
3. How anal are you with undies when you fold your clothes? Do you care at all if they're inside-out? Do you fold them? Etc.
4. Should I not be using the term 'anal' when discussing undies?
5. Does using the word 'undies' make me seem 6 years old? What do you generally call your underwear in everyday speak? Underwear? Undies? Panties? Undergarments? Unmentionables? Lingerie? Boxers/briefs (for you males out there)? Shorts? Pantaloons? Diapers?


My cousin is getting married tomorrow. I went shopping with my mom the other day for something to wear. I ended up buying a dress at Herbergers. The dress retailed for $100, but I got it on sale for $18. Talk about a deal!! Later that day, I was in Macy's and I saw exactly the same dress 'on sale' for $80. Let's just say that made my day. Macy's can suck it. Money-gougers. Dress fashions at the moment are flattering for me, which is a nice change. Usually I'd rather kill myself than shop for dresses. It's quite fun now, though. If only that would happen with swimming suits...

Do you say 'swimming suit' or 'swimsuit'? Or do you Kiwis say some other weird term? I think you do...trying to think of it...still trying...tog? Togs? Something similar sounding to that?? Am I nuts?


At 8/18/2007 8:00 PM, Blogger Candy said...

I've never thought that much about my underwear. I have no idea if I put them in the wash inside out or not. I'll have to pay attention next time. I think all I know is that I make sure they are right side out when I put them in my underwear drawer...

At 8/19/2007 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeppers, we say "togs" for swumsooht in NZ. As for the undies problem, being non-Merkan I don't use a dryer. But sometimes mine do come out from the washing machine a bit twisted up and half inside out.
As for labelling of "underwear".. hmm well 'knickers' is better than the lecher-porn "panties" but I see nothing wrong with good ol' UNDIES. Better than 'gruts' or 'grundies', dontcha reckon?

At 8/20/2007 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Given that a fellow Kiwi has beaten me to it, I'm going for some variation... nothing wrong with "gruts" if you're a bloke, altho because I'm so cultured I usually go with "pantaloons"...

And being half-Aussie, I'm going with "cossie" instead of togs .. and wearing thongs to the beach is something totally different again...

You don't fold your undies? You slob Christopherson, I'd hate to see your drawers (fnarr fnarr...)

Homer: "Ohhh, I hate folding sheets!"
Marge: "Those aren't sheets, those are your underpants."
Homer: "Whatever they are, they're a 2-man job...


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