As we all know, Sarah definitely has her "special" moments. Luckily for us all, some of these moments have been captured on film (or memory cards, be as they may). I have included some of them here so we can all marvel at the "special-ness" of our dear friend, Sarah.
Sarah told me that when she grows up she wants to be an astronaut or an olde tyme deep-sea diver. While in the library one day, she decided to practice after seeing a "helmet" just laying around. I didn't have the heart to tell her it was only a stool.
I'm a bit downtrod as I recall 2 other pictures that capture her "special-ness" quite well, but I can't seem to find them on my computer. It could be that for whatever reason I haven't scanned them yet. I'll have to find them and do so, however, as they are classic "Special Sarah" pictures. You may recall them: One is of her laying on the floor in our dorm room with pants and a shirt draped across her body. The other is her standing in our dorm room wearing the detatched hood of a coat. Classic. Simply classic. Oh, Sarah. I salute you.