Friday, February 08, 2008

Here I am!!!
(Rock you like a hurricane)

I told Brighton I'd update my blog today.

We've had some crazy weather up here the last couple of days. On February 2nd, the local groundhog, Groundhog Jimmy, prognosticated that there'd be an early spring. Aka, he didn't see his shadow. Well, apparently Jimmy is a total fraud. Yesterday, Madison got just over 13 inches of snow. Holy buckets!!! School was canceled for the 2nd Wednesday in a row. There was a 20 mile stretch on I-90 that was completely blocked. Motorists were stranded in their cars on the interstate for 10 hours or more. That would SUCK. They had to intermittently run their cars to save gas, yet stay warm. At points, 2 foot drifts of snow were piling up around their cars. I don't even want to think about what they had to do to go to the bathroom. Apparently, the roads were so bad that semis were unable to make it up hills or up on/off ramps, thus blocking all traffic. Plus, other cars and semis were in accidents and stuff. Ugh. That would have been horrible.

Ummm...what else to say? I don't know. I have an interview with Sylvan Learning Center tomorrow. For a part time instructor job starting (I think) in the summer. So not ideal, but hey. Better than nothing.

I subbed all last week for a high school cooking class and a marriage and family living class. It wasn't too bad, but it was really weird because it was the first week of the new semester. They hadn't found a teacher for the class yet, so they needed a sub. Which was me. So I'm going through their syllabus and shit and and I have no idea what the classes are about (other than the obvious). I survived.

Uhhh...what else? Hmmm. I made chicken mole enchiladas for dinner tonight. Not bad, but not great either. I made Asian lettuce wraps the other night when Sarah came over and we watched American Idol. I also recently made Indian butter chicken (which was super good) and buffalo chicken chili mac (not bad). Yay for me actually cooking.

What the hell?? It's snowing right now. Sonuvabitch. I want warm weather.


At 2/09/2008 5:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same kind of situation happened here recently, with people stuck on the highway for 10+ hours due to a truck accident.


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